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Broader market commentary and insights, research ideas, case studies, and other topics worth discussing

Chinachem Acquired a Siu Lek Yuen Gov’t Land
Being the owner of several projects in Siu Lek Yuen, it would have been in SHKP's favour to secure another site in the same district,...

"The Pilot Scheme" site in Chai Wan received one tender only
Gov’t tender of the first Private Subsidised Sale Flats – Pilot Scheme (Private SSFs / 樂建居) at CWIL185 was closed on 19 July. This...

Encourage the Provision of Residential Care Homes for the Elderly
鼓勵私人發展建安老院舍 地政總署於6月21日推出了一項促進在私人項目建安老院舍的新作業備考。原有計劃為符合資格的安老院舍提供土價豁免,但在過去廿年中僅收到七份申請。 新的試驗計劃將擴大了優惠範圍,允許新發展項目中的安老院舍獲得樓樓面積豁免。計劃推行至2026年6月,城市規劃...

"Yau Wong District" Pilot Scheme: No Upper Limit on Sending Sites
「油旺區」先導計劃:送出地盤不設上限 城規員會在6月16日通過了一項新指引,允許私人發展商 (包括市區重建局) 申請將地積比率從一個或多個送出地盤 (一般為較小的開發項目) 轉移到不超過兩個接收地盤。 這試驗計劃目前僅適用於油麻地和旺角區。計劃允許在接收地盤上。例如區內住宅...

Three Stories about Nvidia
關於輝達的三個故事 5月31日,華坊(CHFT)董事總經理盧銘恩接受無綫新聞財經節目“智富360”訪問,就近期Nvidia股價創下歷史新高分享評論。5月25日Nvidia股價飆升24.4%,這家晶片製造商的市值增加近三分之一,收盤時市值接近1兆美元大關,與Apple,...

Leo Lo was interviewed by TVB and commented on Tesla's new action
Tesla發展宏圖無驚喜? No surprises in Tesla's new development plan? 華坊(CHFT)董事總經理盧銘恩3月8日接受無綫新聞財經節目“智富360”訪問,就「Tesla發展宏圖無驚喜?」發表產經評論。他談到Tesla于3月1日發...

CHFT opines high value for Anderson Road commercial site
Gov't tender of Lot 1078 in SD3, for retail mall development that serves mainly subsidized housing estates. But, investment risk is low...
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