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Nano Flat & Luncheon Meat - Cable TV interview of Alex Leung, CHFT
CableTV 樓盤傳真 interviews Alex Leung re proposed restrictions on construction of nano flats. Leung compares nano flat w luncheon meat & not ..

Gov't luxury land tender at South Bay Road (RBL1203), Repulse Bay
Small government luxury site tender is closing. The site is only abt 2-min walk from the 292-m Repulse Bay Beach, close to the Pulse mall.

Tung Chung commercial land was failed to sell in 2020. CHFT Alex Leung proposed mixed data centre &
CHFT Alex Leung, in Oct 2020, proposed a commercial land in a new reclamation area for mixed comm and data centre uses. The govt adopted

Central Harbourfront gov't commercial site

Recommendations to HKEx for SPAC listing in HK - TVB interview of Stella Law, CHFT
華坊執行董事羅珏瑜接受無綫新聞財經節目訪問分享香港SPAC定位與流程 早前公布的施政報告提及到港交所進一步改善上市機制和在徵詢市場意見後,將在香港設立特殊目的收購公司的上市制度,早CHFT執行董事羅珏瑜(Stella) 昨天被無綫新聞邀請到《智富360》...

2nd failure of Cap. 545 auction at Tsim Sha Tsui (TV interview - Alex Leung, CHFT)
The public auction of tenement buildings at 61, 63, 64, 67, 69, 71 and 73 Granville Road, TST pursuant to an Order for Sale made by the...

CHFT Alex Leung comments govt land at Area 24, Kwu Tung
受惠未來古洞站 24區地價料達7600元/呎 古洞第24區地皮將於明日(23日)截標。地皮的地盤面積約8.2萬平方呎,最高可建樓面面積約49.2萬平方呎。 華坊諮詢評估資深董事梁沛泓表示,古洞第24區地皮優勢與新地的第25區地皮相若。鑑於古洞鄰近內地,將來享有鐵路優勢,發展...
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