中環海濱地3號地在「雙信封制」下,各財團一定會夥拍頂級的建築師、規劃師及園景師為項目設計,導致設計方案分數上誰都不可能大幅拋離對手,首三名設計得分不會相差超過 15%。
華坊回顧自數碼港 (2004) 至近期本港十三個著重設計特色的建築項目,發現它們由多間建築師/顧問公司獲得設計資格。然而, 2010 年同時為西九文化區進行總體設計的三間顧問,平均得也分相近。華坊諮詢相信中環海濱地3號地在「雙信封制」下,各財團一定會夥拍頂級的建築師、規劃師及園景師為項目設計,導致設計方案分數上誰都不可能大幅拋離對手,首三名設計得分不會相差超過 15%。
政府仍未公布詳細用地限制,但一些指標如提供至少 2.5 公頃公眾休憩用地和只許低密度商業發展已成為定局。華坊估計最高入標價 520 億元左右,因為設計及價格的比重各佔 50 ; 換算成每 1 設計比重分將高達 10.4 億元。在參與競投的財團重金獎賞下,設計方案必然是各大建築設計高手之間的比拼,但誰取得這寶地,財團的出價才是關鍵。
The government’s new ‘two-envelope’ bidding process for a prime parcel of reclamation land means design quality will be as important as price. However, our Alex Leung reviewed 13 building projects from Cyberport in 2004 up to the present day and found that they were designed by many architects and consultants who had successfully passed pre-qualification.
Moreover the scores awarded each to the three consultants responsible for the master plan for the West Kowloon Cultural District in 2010 were also quite similar.
CHFT believes that under the “two-envelope” bidding process for Site 3 of Central Harbourfront, prospective consortia interested in bidding will definitely partner with world class architects, planning and landscape consultants to design the project.
Thus each tenderer will submit a top class design such that the final scores awarded cannot possibly differ by a significant margin, with the scores of the three highest scoring tenderers differing by not more than 15%.
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