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PropTech界成立「空白支票公司」之浪潮越來越多傳統房地產公司希望透過PropTech(房地產科技)提升企業價值,改善營運效率。 上年上市的明源雲(909.HK)將PropTech一詞帶進香港的資本市場,其亮麗的公司估值讓人眼前一亮。隨了透過傳統的模式上市,不少PropTech公司也趕上了成立SPAC的派對。SPAC是一種較傳統IPO更為另類的一種IPO模式,由共同基金、對沖基金等募集資金而組建的除了現金沒有任何實體業務的「空殼公司」,其上市的目的即為投資併購欲上市的目標公司,因此其又被稱為「空白支票公司」。隨著市場對傳統IPO監管和上市要求趨於嚴格,SPAC成為渴望上市集資之PropTech企業的救生圈,也為私募基金、風投等投資者更有意欲尋找高潛力高增長的PropTech公司,在資金鏈的帶動下,今年將會是所房地產科技百花齊放的一年。

More and more real estate companies are looking for enhancing corporate value and optimising operation efficiency through the application of property technology. Ming Yuen Cloud ( is one of the examples which got a tremendous valuation when listed in HK stock market last year. Special Purpose Acquisition Companies (SPACs) are the hottest new investment vehicle, how they will change the PropTech sector is just beginning.

SPACs are like reverse Initial Public Offerings. Mutual Fund and Hedge Fund have pooled hundreds of millions of dollars to invest in the spaces. Once the money is pooled, the SPAC goes public as a shell company, where it will begin searching for other “real” companies and so called as “blank check”.

SPACs offer a quicker time to market by reducing the need for some regulatory disclosure. As a shell company, the SPAC doesn’t have much of anything to report to the SEC, shortening the process. It is expected that the Venture Capital investors will strive for exploring more high growth PropTech companies to go public this year.



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