SFC Releases a Circular Enhancing Disclosure for Green Funds in Hong Kong
The Securities and Futures Commission (“SFC”) issued a circular titled “Circular to management companies of SFC-authorized unit trusts and mutual funds - Green or ESG funds” on 11 April 2019. The SFC has evaluated the disclosure quality of the existing SFC-authorised Green and Environmental, Social and Governance (“ESG”) funds, and found that most of the funds do not disclose the investment selection criteria with ESG elements or standards. The circular therefore provides a guidance on green funds disclosure to enhance the comparability between similar types of SFC-authorised green or ESG funds and thereby improving their transparency and visibility.
Green or ESG funds’ investment focuses are usually on green, environmental or sustainable development and related technology. There are currently over 20 green or ESG funds authorised by the SFC. The circular sets out a few disclosure requirements for the fund offering documents in order to better inform investors. The requirements include descriptions of the key investment focus of the green or ESG fund, investment strategies with relevant green or ESG criteria and risks associated with green or ESG funds’ investment theme. To prove that they have met particular assessment criteria, the fund may provide reference to any ESG ratings or third-party certificates or labels.
In fact, not all the green or ESG funds necessarily generate net positive outcome for the environment and sustainability. Some investments of the green or ESG funds may even have potential negative impacts. For example, the solar power plants investments have positive environmental impacts but may have negative social impacts due to the operation process and use of space. Therefore, the detailed disclosure and the third-party certification can help to increase the transparency of the funds, and thus investors not only can understand the environmental aspect, but also the aspects on social and governance.
Many investors may still underestimate the impacts of environmental factors on the business operation and profitability. ESG development is a key for long-term business success. The market has already noticed the importance of ESG and initiated changes. This green fund disclosure guidance is a good example to show the market’s trend with increasing focus on ESG aspect. Not only the green or ESG funds, but all companies should reflect on their sustainable business strategy to ensure business success.
證券及期貨事務監察委員會(「證監會」)於二零一九年四月十一日發出一份名為「Circular to management companies of SFC-authorized unit trusts and mutual funds Green or ESG funds」的通函。證監會已評估現有證監會認可綠色基金或環境、社會及管治(「ESG」)基金的披露質素,發現大多數基金沒有披露投資揀選準則如何與ESG因素或標準結合。因此,該通函提供了綠色基金披露指引,以提高證監會認可及類似的綠色或ESG基金之間的可比性,從而提高其透明度和可見度。
然而,許多投資者可能仍然低估環境因素對業務運營和盈利能力的影響。 ESG發展是實現長期業務成功的關鍵。市場已經注意到ESG的重要性, 更開始了一定程度上的改變及革新。這綠色基金披露指引正正是一個很好的例子,充份顯示了現時市場越來越關注ESG方面的發展。因此不僅是綠色或ESG基金,所有公司都應該反思他們的可持續業務戰略,以確保業務成功。
证券及期货事务监察委员会(「证监会」)于二零一九年四月十一日发出一份名为「Circular to management companies of SFC-authorized unit trusts and mutual funds Green or ESG funds」的通函。证监会已评估现有证监会认可绿色基金或环境、社会及管治(「ESG」)基金的披露质素,发现大多数基金没有披露投资拣选准则如何与ESG因素或标准结合。因此,该通函提供了绿色基金披露指引,以提高证监会认可及类似的绿色或ESG基金之间的可比性,从而提高其透明度和可见度。
然而,许多投资者可能仍然低估环境因素对业务运营和盈利能力的影响。 ESG发展是实现长期业务成功的关键。市场已经注意到ESG的重要性, 更开始了一定程度上的改变及革新。这绿色基金披露指引正正是一个很好的例子,充份显示了现时市场越来越关注ESG方面的发展。因此不仅是绿色或ESG基金,所有公司都应该反思他们的可持续业务战略,以确保业务成功。