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Propteq Asia 2018- Property Technology & Innovation Summit

The first Asia Propteq Summit was held in Cyberport Hong Kong on 30 October 2018. We were glad to be invited to this engaging information-sharing and networking event as a co-host in one of sharing sessions. In this property technology and innovation summit, we devoted ourselves to contribute ideas and interact with innovators around the world, including the US, the UK, Germany, Australia, Russia, Austria, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Korea, Indonesia, Thailand and China. Property professionals, investors, startup owners and senior managements gathered in roundtables and discussed the challenges and opportunities that property technology could bring. The interactive roundtable format encouraged everyone to join and contribute under 4 tracks and 16 topics. Each session lasted for one hour and we saw many active participants and ideas flowing. It also provided coffee and lunch networking time, which allowed us to make connection with over 250 leading real estate innovators.  There were many interesting topics, including blockchain, tokenization of real estate, impact of PropTech on Retail and PropTech Investment. We were a co-host in the session of Automated Valuation Models (“AVM”) and real estate investment. In our session, we introduced AVM and exchanged ideas with the floor about the development of AVM.  Many participants came to our booth and expressed their interest in our services. The summit was successful and awesome, as we gained a lot of inspirations and made some new friends there. 


Propteq Asia 2018 - 房地產科技及創新高峰會

亞洲的首場房地產科技及創新高峰會 (Propteq Summit) 於2018年10月30日在香港數碼港舉辦,我們很高興能被邀請至這資訊性的交流活動,更有幸作為客席嘉賓在其中的一個環節進行分享。


高峰會中有很多熱門和值得思考的議題,例如區塊鏈、房地產標記化 (tokenization)、房地產科技對零售業的影響及房地產科技投資等。我們作為客席嘉賓開展其中一個討論議題 - 「自動估值模型及房地產投資」,介紹了人工智慧估值模型,並對模型的國內和海外發展者交換了很多意見。在整個高峰會期間很多參與者來到我們的展示攤位瞭解本公司服務內容,不乏感興趣的人士,更認識了一些新朋友。


Propteq Asia 2018- 房地产科技及创新高峰会

亚洲的首场房地产科技及创新高峰会 (Propteq Summit) 于2018年10月30日在香港数码港举办,我们很高兴能被邀请至这信息性的交流活动,更有幸作为客席嘉宾在其中的一个环节进行分享。 在这个高峰会中,我们有机会与美国、英国、德国、澳洲、俄罗斯、奥地利、新加坡、马来西亚、日本、韩国、印度尼西亚,泰国和中国等地的参与者交流。来自世界各地的房地产专家、投资者、创业者和高级人员聚首一堂,讨论房地产科技带来的机遇和挑战。高峰会当日共分4个时段,并同时进行4个不同的讨论议题(即共有16个议题)。过程中客席嘉宾和其他参与者积极发言,亦提供了理解议题的新角度。除了讨论环节外,高峰会另设有咖啡及午餐时间,以便二百多个房地产专家和科技创新者互相结识及交流。

高峰会中有很多热门和值得思考的议题,例如区块链、房地产标记化 (tokenization)、房地产科技对零售业的影响及房地产科技投资等。我们作为客席嘉宾开展其中一个讨论议题 - 「自动估值模型及房地产投资」,介绍了人工智能估值模型,并对模型的国内和海外发展者交换了很多意见。在整个高峰会期间很多参与者来到我们的展示摊位了解本公司服务内容,不乏感兴趣的人士,更认识了一些新朋友。


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